立即報名 Register Now




* 六場公眾開放日均會預留一定名額予公眾即場報名參觀,以先到先得形式發放;欲免向隅,建議預先透過本平台網上登記。

The Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior will arrive in Hong Kong during the Christmas and New Year holidays. We will "bear witness" to ocean plastic pollution, and host free public events on weekends.

Do you want to visit the legendary ship? Are you interested to know where it will do research around Hong Kong waters? Do you want to take action with the legendary captain and the multinational crew?

Register for the open boat day now!

* For all six open boat days we will leave a quota for walk-in registrants on a first-come-first-serve basis. To secure your place, please register ahead online.
* If you don't come on time, you will have to wait in line as a walk-in guest.

event_note 日期 Date:
2017/12/23 (六 SAT)
2017/12/24 (日 SUN)
2017/12/30 (六 SAT)
2017/12/31 (日 SUN)
2018/1/20   (六 SAT)
2018/1/21   (日 SUN)

access_time 開放時間
Opening hour:
上午10時 至 下午3時30分
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
(Walk-in registration may be closed earlier subject to conditions)

place 地點 Location:
Central Pier No. II
event_note 日期 Date:
2017/12/23 (六 SAT)
2017/12/24 (日 SUN)
2017/12/30 (六 SAT)
2017/12/31 (日 SUN)
2018/1/20   (六 SAT)
2018/1/21   (日 SUN)
access_time 開放時間
Opening hour:
上午10時 至 下午3時30分
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
(Walk-in registration may be closed earlier subject to conditions)

place 地點 Location:
Central Pier No. II
登記表格 Registration Form
日期 Date *
參觀時段 Time Slot *
(請預留至少 1.5 小時的參觀時間)
(Please reserve at least 1.5 hour to complete the tour)

* 已報名者若未能於指定登記時間到場,都必須與即場報名公眾一起排隊等候,敬請留意。
* 登記人於活動當日的同行人數如多於網上報名人數,未報名人士需要按照公眾即場報名方式輪候。

* For all six open boat days we will leave a quota for walk-in registrants on a first-come-first-serve basis. To secure your place, please register ahead online.
* If you don't come on time, you will have to wait in line as a walk-in guest.

同行的親友 (最多3人) How many others are you bringing?
12 歲或以上 Age 12 or above:
12 歲以下 Below age 12:


